
The Citizens of the future; deserve a better democracy than we have today.
The Citizens of the future, deserve a democracy that serves the interest of all, not the few.

We often see the rights of groups, or the environment trampled, for corporate profits in today's world.

How do we change this? How do we reach this goal of a creating a democracy that serves US better... and reigns in the malicious practices of Corporations who quite literally, rape our world of its resources for the private gain of a few individuals.

What course do we need to set, to ensure the citizens of tomorrow, do not see further loss?

Does democracy require E-voting to fine tune the balance? Or block chain voting?
Do we need radical new ideas and new political parties to stir the tides of change?
Do citizens need to form city wide, province wide, or nation wide coops to fight back for their own interests against Global Corporate Imperialism?

How do we evolve our democracy, from what it is now, to what it must become tomorrow?
This is what we shall discuss here.

Manana, is a word for an indefinite time in the future.
Mananapolicy, is the policy that will shape that future.

For the Future is what we make of it.

Mananapolicy (n.) 
Political policies that may, or may not apply at an indefinite time in the future (ie. exopolitics, the laws governing the conduct between Space faring civilizations)
Included in the field of Mananapolitics, would be the discussion of space-time travel, fusion energy, zero point energy, contact with extraterrestrials/ufos, policies regarding super AI, terraforming, and issues of such nature

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